hidden europe 13

Dice to Europanto?

by hidden europe


Do you speak Europanto? It's not so hard to learn. To speakare Europanto, tu basta mixare alles wat tu know in extranges linguas. We take a look at one of Europe's lesser known languages.

One of Brussels' many engaging charms is that it is a linguistically complex city. Cross a street and one shifts from French to Flemish. Dive into the Marolles quarter (see hidden europe 12) and hear the extraordinary Brusselse Sproek. Or head east from the city centre beyond the ‘petit ring' for a dose of Europanto. Or so we are told! Whether anyone really speaks Europanto as a means of communication we are unsure, but the corridors of the Berlaymont and the Justus Lipsius buildings do sometimes echo to peculiarly hybrid sounds - sentences that start in German and end in Spanish, having lurched through French and English on the way.

This is just an excerpt. The full text of this article is not yet available to members with online access to hidden europe. Of course you can read the full article in the print edition of hidden europe 13.
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